Safe & Secure Storage

Conveniently Located in:
Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Nebraska City & Pacific Junction

RV Or Vehicle Storage

We have 20/30/40 foot parking at our location at 26763 Highway 34, Glenwood, IA if you are looking for an RV Or Vehicle Storage unit.  Each size has a different width due to how hard it is to park a longer unit at the very front angle of their turn in.  20’s- 10 wide; 30’s- 12 wide; 40’s- 15 wide.  Although you could park an RV in any of these sizes, it is easier with a wider width to make the “front” turn.   Or ask for an end parking spot, so you are doing 90-degree parking, but have the whole driveway to back in with, without a turn.

RV Or Vehicle Storage Units

Pull through

The front, pull as far forward as possible, gives the person next to you an easier angle to turn into, from behind you.  Align your front with the fronts of all other vehicles.  Be courteous and leave enough room on the Driver side, so that RV can open their doors.

Back to the back parking

our locations are set up at 60-degree parking.  Also, they are set up for the driver to back in on their side, so they can use the lot next to them for alignment.  This way you only have one blindside on the right side backing in.  Otherwise, you have two blindsides.


same issues as others, depending on if 60 degrees or 90-degree parking.


Really a matter of width and depth.  Keep in mind all measurements for storage are relative.  For example, A 10 wide x 20 deep x 8 tall unit, with studs, roll up door and door jambs; is really 9 wide x 19 ft 6-inch deep x 7 ½ foot tall.  Also if you have a 20 ft boat or Camper, its really 22/23/24 ft depending on Propeller, bumper, or front hitch.


Rock or hard surface (concrete/asphalt); If on rock/asphalt put your tongue leg or stabilizer pads on wider pads to spread the weight out. These pads are needed on Asphalt since in hot weather they will sink into the asphalt.

Pest control

We put mouse bait out along the fence lines and under the units, mow excess weeds and grass. You should put both rodent and bug control in your unit.  Dispose of all food sources, for long term storage.  If you want to be really diligent with pest control, don’t park next to overhead lights.  They attract bugs at night and then mice underneath.  Put scented drier sheets in all compartments and rooms.  Open all cabinets and doors.


If doing long term storage put you stabilizers down.  Most parking is in an open area and the units can rock and move with the wind.  This will also help with taking pressure off your tires so they last longer.


Put a lock on the hitch.  Although you are in a secure location, RV’s and trailers are the easiest storage to break into or take without notice.  Recommend you put in motion sensors or GPS tracking security.  Check your vehicle at least twice a month.  Most Security systems only maintain footage for 2 weeks due to camera memory capacity.

Propane Fuel Tanks

Disconnect and store if leaving for long term storage.

Electronic Lifts

Disconnect the battery if leaving for long term storage.


Most storage unit insurance policies do not cover vehicles. Keep your insurance, just have them adjust your automobile to fewer miles or just comprehensive coverage.  Wind, Flood, tornado, Hail, or third party damage or theft can still occur.  Traditional insurance coverage, RV’s normally stay a flat rate throughout the year, thus you will still need to maintain full coverage.  Or, if you seek out a specific RV or rec vehicle insurance company, you can move in and out of winterization rates.

RV Or Vehicle Storage Pricing

Use a 30-foot vehicle as an example:

  • In the country about $1 per foot on a rock.
  • With Paved access and parking spot, this might run $60 to $90
  • Enclosed parking will cost about $120 to $170 for a 30 foot.
  • Enclosed parking for a 50 foot, might cost $225 to $350.

The price extremes are the cost of the concrete/asphalt road and the storage bay.  Also the longer the unit the price goes up significantly because it takes more driveway width to park and the type of door changes in both size and type (remotely operated).  A 50 ft RV will require about a 70-foot wide driveway to back in.

We are only addressing the long term Parking portion of storage.  Other items are specific to each vehicle such as water cleanout, Tire/window shades, etc.

Quick non Parking list:

  • Wheel/tire covers; Vehicle cover.
  • Remove and store your tires.
  • Store with a full fuel tank to prevent condensation
  • Add fuel stabilizers
  • Place RV completely off the ground to prevent flat spots on your tires, if left for a long time.
  • Cover your HVAC, skylights, vents, and windows to prevent exposure to sun and breakdown.
  • Boats leave your plug out, whether covered or not.

Clark Storage – Best and Most Secured Storage Units in the Area

Our family business objective is to provide you with the best service and facilities in a secure location. As you get to know our facilities, you will note they were selected for your ease of access, location, and security. Please let us know how we can continue to improve your storage needs and fulfill your high expectations. We have storage units in Council Bluffs, Glenwood, and Pacific Junction. Contact us today. We are also offering a Move-In Referral Program, click here for more information.