Notice of Public Sales to be held February 8th, Saturday at locations and times noted below. The sale is to recover past due rent, late fees, and legal expenses for the content of the following Units. yyyyyyyyy; xxx-xxx-xxxx PO Box xxx, Anytown, USA xxxxx.
Notice of Public Sales
This is also your notice, you must move to Autopay using Credit Card or Bank account, by your next rental date or the auction. This is your Eviction notice also, subject to your paying and moving to Autopay prior to the auction date.
1234 Street, Anytown, USA xxxxx 1:30pm to 2:00 pm
Joe Johnson
Unit 123; 10 x 15
Jane Johnson
Unit 234; 10 x 15
John Doe
Unit 567; 10 x 20
Jane Doe
Unit 899; 10 x 20