Project Estimation Template

Whether I am building or buying a location, I always run the Estimation template to dial in whether I can or should do the project. Each of us will have our own Payback, CAP rates, cash flow models, and Tax implications thresholds; I am not covering that. This is a back of the napkin estimation, […]
Storage Security Methods

Thieves; Do you want to catch them or prevent them? Working with the law; the four steps to conviction There had been a recent School Shooting and my brother happened to be visiting. We talked about it for a while and I was giving him my thoughts since I had been on the School Board, […]
Storage Financing For Prospective And Current Owners

Just finishing our financing on our latest location. Below are some thoughts in general on Storage financing for prospective and current owners who are looking to invest.
Storage Units Market Demand “Will they come?”

I’ll give you the tool I use, but you will have to make an investment of your own time. Otherwise you don’t own the data. Below you will find information on Storage Units Market Demand in Omaha, NE, Council Bluffs, IA, and the surrounding areas.