Safe & Secure Storage

Conveniently Located in:
Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Nebraska City & Pacific Junction

Project Estimation Template

Project Estimation Template

Whether I am building or buying a location, I always run the Estimation template to dial in whether I can or should do the project.  Each of us will have our own Payback, CAP rates, cash flow models, and Tax implications thresholds; I am not covering that.  This is a back of the napkin estimation, […]

No Money Down

No Money Down | Investing In Storage Units | Clark Storage LLC

Working with a young gentleman in Zagreb, Croatia who was seeking advice to get into the Storage business.  I was mowing the next day and thinking about a business I have in Belize (higher interest rates) and also the fact this person probably didn’t have much capital.  The amount of capital you have determines the […]